Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday Interview and a giveaway - Kata Szentgyörgyi from Kicsi ház

Ladies First published their first in a series Monday interviews today the idea of which is to introduce independent, successful women, who didn't wait for the opportunity to find them, but they themselves decided to take the bull by the horns. And each of them claims the secret to success is: WORK HARD.


First one in the series, Kata Szentgyörgyi aka Joie Vivre, DIY blogger, writer of Kicsi ház (Little house) blog started blogging about a 1.5 year ago, when after her house renovation she was left with no money to furnish it. And that was her big BOOM, the thing that made her start thinking outside the box, and be creative. Additional boost were her 2 children, whom she was determined to see for more than 2 hours per day.

source: Kicsi ház
 She repurposes, recycles, shops in thrift stores

 and she doesn't throw any old thing away.

In this interview Veronika Babarczy talks to Kata about her motivation to change from her 9-5 secure job, to this creative and flexible, but also risky area. They discuss how and why she started blogging and how this brought on new opportunities (like working for Eva magazin) and long term goals. They talk about her plans of organizing work-shops, and about her own brand Boho home.

And the icing on the cake of this interview is this:

A real Boho home piece, you can win by leaving a comment at the end of the interview. (the interview is in Hungarian)

Kata was recently featured on Ohedooh, with her Girl power play kitchen .

 Isn't it amazing? I think it is!
